Neuropathic pain is an uncomfortable condition. The common approach for conventional medicine
is pharmacological drugs. Some patients find relief while others look beyond medication when they
don’t get the relief they want. New
realizations are indicating an inflammation/gut connection
that may play a role. Nutritional supplements come into play for these Carrolltown neuropathy pain
sufferers. Gormish Chiropractic & Rehabilitation as a member of their healthcare team shares some new
studies on the effectiveness of these additional nutritional options.
Neuropathic pain affects 7 to 10% of the population. Usual
treatment options include tricyclic antidepressant drugs,
serotonin-noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors, and anticonvulsants. For many
patients, these approaches do not
always fulfill their expectations, so
they turn to nonpharmacologic treatments like nutritional
supplements. Many try vitamins B and D, zinc, magnesium, and St. John’s
wart and curcumin. (1) In a recent rat study, the antinociceptive effect
of biotin (a B vitamin, namely B7) on neuropathic
pain was evaluated and confirmed it as a potential
therapy for neuropathic pain. The study documented that biotin
supplementation could reduce the dose required
of analgesic drugs. (2) Other nutritional approaches have been tested
like magnesium, ALA, and GLA but need to be carefully utilized
in certain patients with specific conditions (like renal dysfunction).
Again, Vitamin B supplementation was shown to be well tolerated and
to be more successful in relieving neuropathic pain than meds
alone. (3) Gormish Chiropractic & Rehabilitation will mix options to help patients find pain relief.
Combinations of treatments often do
more than one. For neuropathy, combining the knowledge
that metabolic syndrome and neuropathy are linked with lifestyle changes, researchers found that lifestyle
and diet interventions help handle
neuropathy. Since the gut microbiome and inflammation affect
neuropathy, researchers studied and found value
in exercise, nutrition, supplements, acupuncture and mindfulness-based practices
in neuropathy care. (4) One study specifically mixed
mindfulness with vitamin D to see how it affected the
lives of diabetic neuropathy patients. It worked! The
combination decreased pain severity and disability which improved
their quality of life. (5) At Gormish Chiropractic & Rehabilitation we insert gentle
spinal manipulation via the Cox® Technic System of Spinal Pain Management into
the mix to help manage relief.
CONTACT Gormish Chiropractic & Rehabilitation
Listen to this PODCAST
with Dr. Silke Laub on The
Back Doctors Podcast with Dr. Michael Johnson as she
describes how chiropractic care can boost
traditional treatments of diseases to ease patients’ pain.
Schedule your Carrolltown chiropractic appointment
today. The pain of neuropathy inspires its sufferers
to find relief. The usual approach of medication is one
method. If it does not deliver the relief you desire,
let us talk about some other approaches to try. Your
pain relief and quality of life are vital to Gormish Chiropractic & Rehabilitation!